Thursday, 22 October 2015

post from last week I didnt publish

Being a step mama, its the hardest thing in the world if Im truly honest. The positives are incredible but the negatives are soul destroying & I know people are quick to believe Im too involved or maybe even from my blog or photos believe I have it all together & maybe that's all Ive shown for so long. But its a bloody rollercoaster that's for sure. We have been so very lucky in that recently we were granted 50/50 custody of Darcey. We have her Saturday evening through to Wednesday morning & I am slowly, exhaustingly (haha)getting used to the double school run, in different towns, half an hour away. Thank fuck for breakfast club. Thankful also for my gorgeous auntie who has dedicated so much time to helping this schedule work for us. Its been immense waking up at 6am to have special moments with daddy, even just brushing their teeth alongside him makes Darcey feel more connected. Breakfasts & dinners together & Gary making it home early a few times to take the cherubs to the park for a kick about. All hearty soul food. All giving & brilliant. Until Darceys mood sees fit to rage. Whether its because her homework has not been started or even prompted & she then only has 2 evenings with us to complete before hand in day. Whether its because shes reminded to wash her hands after dinner or whether its because Jasper has the lego she desires. Pretty standard things for a kid to get cross or strop over I guess but her moods are vicious & so relentless. I fully believed that more time in a stable home would bring her happiness levels up but she has crumbled a little. Her emotions are always so strong when she is happy & content. Shes gorgeously loving to all her family & easy going. But when her moods hit, which can be right in the middle of a super happy time for her, she just is so destructive. It ruins her days as Im sure the negativity of her day is more memorable than her positives. Adventures are stunted & even the promise of a treat cant pull her out of a strop. She could be sullen & sad for hours & its like a switch is set to vacant & mute. Its so troubling to see & we have tried so hard to address this with her mum but to no avail so we have finally spoken with her school to see if she can have some help understanding her emotions & her temperament. Its always been a known with Ducky, its always been there & we deal with it when it arises. But just recently as we have had her so often I noticed the effect it had on Jasper, he just gets so frustrated that yet again Darcey isn't playing, her face is sad & she is stroppy. She can be very manipulative with him which worked in her favour when he was so little but now he has an understanding on her lil ways & he wont have it, so she is seeing for sure that she cant work him how she used to. At the park recently she was being cruel & blocking his way & he got so angry that he just burst into tears & when she straight away said she was so sorry he just screamed & shouted 'Leave me alone'. She knew she had gone too far & hurt one of her bestest friends & tried very hard to make the situation right. But I must say she finally realised he has a limit to her bullshit & she really did look sad she had upset him so much. I explained that if she starts controlling Jaspers happiness then big changes would be put in place as I am so not having his heart tarnished by negativity. I hate that there is a separation in upbringing for them. I hate that they are not from the same lives, they really are for days at a time, the most different of children. I dedicate every day to Jasper, I choose to, I love to & he is so deserving of my all. I do the same for her when she is with us but this is split & the care she has within her mums home is disjointed to our world. So I get her jealousy, insecurities & hurts. But I absolutely don't want anything but amazing memories for Jasper who isn't from a split home & doesn't need the troublesome emotions forced into his environment that is so easy. I don't mean to make it sound like anything other than what it is. Darceys frustrations & insecure behaviour hurt him. He only knows so much love here & when her fractured experiences from her other home absorb negativity into ours it is scary for us. I had an incredible childhood, carefree, loving & very blessed. So I have always promised that for my children. And I do that for always when Ducky is with us, but I cant touch her heart when shes away. I also cant change the hurt she feels when at each home she is always missing someone. At each home she feels abandoned by the other parent. Its such an unfair world for her & being more civil would help her & I would say her moods have become erratic again in the decline of our communication yet again with her mum. We try so hard to do best to benefit Darcey. I have put myself in positions people have told me are plane crazy just to insure she feels secure & happy. I have taken the extra time with Darcey & the hectic routine that followed in my stride & yet still feel slightly open & unprotected by the waves that hit. Im far too quick to believe in people. Im far too quick to believe kind words out of mouths that have said such vulgarities before hand. I want to keep my heart positive, but I am sure to get overwhelmed by my clear failings when things go wrong. Im very hard on myself & wont rest until these anxieties of hers & now mine settle. I trust that again we will be on top of Darceys upsets & she will have fewer days consumed by her stresses. But I do think that maybe additional help is needed for her to be able to express herself. She is hurting & its so hideous to acknowledge that of a teeny girl whos still so easily mesmerized by the thought of mermaid kissed stones & glitter fairies. She truly believes in Santa & that the Avengers are real, why cant she believe she is loved, why cant she know this with all her being. When its SO displayed by us?? Tbc...

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Ducky is 8

Its nearing 1am & I am not even tired, I have too much in my brain I want to set down here as it has been far too long since I wrote. And an occasion like the special day just passed definitely needs noting. Our sweet cherub pie Darcey doo turned 8. How is that even here already. I have known her since she was 20 months old, so little & chubby. So giggly & robust. So cuddly & warm. She is all legs now, nearly as tall as me, definitely taller than Jojo & Nanna!! We play dot to dot on her freckles & she has more big girl teeth than baby now. What a crazy journey, but wow what a for-filling one. Being a step mama to this cherub has been so hugely rewarding. Although the bad times have been so destructive the good far out-way it & I can honestly say even these days have made us stronger, closer & the hugs so much tighter. She has a way just now where her hugs have so much depth behind them. She hands them out often & they are the most sincere love she shows. I just adore her smiles with those great big teeth gleaming. The constant silly faces & strange poses when being photographed. The jokes she tells that are so unfunny they become funny. The beauty of her happy face when she has made us proud. Its so incredible to be so blessed in life by a sweet child I chose to love through loving my fiancé, he has given me so much in her & himself. Our family is so solid, our love is the rainbow behind every storm, so immensely huge in its qualities to heal. Together or divided I know she feels secure that our love for her is just overwhelmingly incredible. I love you will never be a huge enough statement to contain the feelings that go with thinking of our bubba Duck. 143 sweet girl. Happy birthday to you xx

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Jasper turns five

I write this on the morning of your birthday waiting for you to wake so we can begin your exciting day of fun in London. I have Ducky behind me watching me type & marvelling at the speed in which I do. She is fidgety & impatient wanting you awake so she too can see your presents that are hidden behind rainbow wrapping & glitter sparkle tissue paper. You chose this yourself with cutest desire for "Something sparkly please mummy, like this." My thoughts are so scattered & as always on your birthday I feel emotional & so incredibly proud reminiscing on the wonderful year we have had. The year that you have had, as a four year old.
You have just started your summer holiday after completing your first year of school. What a ride that's been & how many friends you have by years out is just immense. You have been on a few school trips & had my heart pounding at your first 2nativity. You were confidently, preciously amazing. It's been a hard one at times for you too tho Studley. We had a few battles that you so valiantly destroyed. Whilst living through them, I was not so brave but you my incredible little bubble of love, you always pushed for positivity & love. You are my hero. You made our hearts fill up & spill over with pride & happiness every damn day of the struggles. You are my ray of sunshine & moonlight love. No word will ever be accurate to describe my love for you. No words or song or poem feels powerful enough. The feeling & blessing to be your mama is just astounding & incredible.  To get to write this post to you, my amazing son. I love & adore you Jasper. I happily say you are my everything.  The most beautiful, happy, fun adventure heart. ♡
Your awake now & have devoured your gifts dressed as 'Flash'. Saying "wow" to each one & squielling at the amount of pound coins lined in your card from your cuz Reggie. You have hugged the life out of your new wiggly centipede toy Max already. I have read your new book whilst you play & now it's all about Juggernaut. What a pace to live by. The happiest filled moments. Your truly are an angel studley. I love you. We love you. But hey you know that right!! Haha. Most cherished Bubb ever xxxx 143 birthday boy. ♡♡♡

Tuesday, 16 June 2015


My sweet lil cherub has gained confidence & smiles galore again. Im sure the changed access timing & schedule to suit her better & us to see her more has been a massive positive for our sweet girly. She has had a few changes happen that could of been a knock but seem to of occured for the better & this makes me super dooper happy to see her vibrant energy back once again. It still slumps a little with the knowledge of home time looming or the fact that she is aware she still misses important occassions even when its not celebrated until were with her like her daddys birthday back in May. She understands fully her divided home status & schooling etc but will still ask why she cant come. Comstantly having to tell her that plans were not agreed by her mum does upset her so we choose to white lie our way out of some of these such things. It makes her feel more comfortable to not know her mum has declined us extra time for an occasion as it then still creates a negative in her heart against her mother instead of us which obviously also does not sit well with us so we choose to alter truths to help Ducky. She is such a charcater, she is goofy & gangly & just so incredibly loving at the moment & I hope this is through being content. It must be such a struggle for a little to understand why when love is such an important thing in the world that her mum & dad dont hold that feeling between them anymore. To a child seeing love between parents is hugely comforting. I just hope she always in our presence feels strength from our love as her step mama & Daddy. She will grow to seek what her family give her & so I, we, will give her our all always. The massive leaps she is showing us is testament that not all broken families have broken children. She has struggled & Im sure there will be many times again that she will. But for now, our spoirited lil butter bean is awesome, happy, lovable & loved beyond measure. 
This week she enjoyed telling studley all about her cuts, bruises & scrapes as a four year old & we looked through old photos of her to show him the picture of her when she had scabs on the her nose just like him. She is nearly as tall as nanna. She learnt to catch a ball which i was kicking to her each time & we tallied 126 on catch which was massively hard considering she was giggling so much. She is so athletic naturally & totally took to the new swingball set Nanna spoilt them with. She read with me. She read to Jaspey. She wanted to hear the story of my first night staying with her at our home when she was a lil ninja barely two year old, who escaped from her cot & woke me in the morning for milk. I woke up to her face right by mine saying "Milk pwease" It scared the hell outta me & she loves this** She has been saving pocket money & can count it up & when we add more pennies she can also count this into pounds & pennies. She is already asking for things for her birthday. And planning her party!! haha x 143


I rarely get an oppurtunity of all of my Harrisons looking groomed, happy & in one place together with a friend or family member to play cameraman. The odd family selfie is okay but i find with these I get the green light from the cherubs for 3 seconds of smiles & then its eye rubs & fake grins from Ducky & an impatient Jaspey. It takes my man at least 10 frames before he stops looking like Chandler Bing in photos too so basically its always 'we try', its mainly 'we fail' haha. But this weekend we got to enjoy our favourite place with my brother & his girly & baby boy Reggie roo. They took pics of us & I of them.
 Alongside this we had a great afternoon stroll in the sunshine, fed the ducks & climbed chalk hills & trees. Swanbourne Lake is just magical for all its beauty & magic hidden in the roots of the trees we clung to to climb & the surrounding scenes of Arundel castle. Plus spending time with my dear family & sweet sweet nephew is so lovely. He giggled away happily, gorgeous little angel. Jasper & Ducky flocking him for cuddles & forehead kisses. Too flaming cute<3

Friday, 12 June 2015

sick day=the BEST day*

This boy, this seriously divine little creature that curls around my limbs & clings to my waist at the most inconvenient, rushed moments, who is being a little bossy & HATES brushing his teeth of late, is my life & soul. He is just such a love bug oozing happiness that I just wanna bottle up. He’s had such a tough week bless him. Friendship falling outs at four years old are painful & falling flat on your face off the obsta-track as he calls it (obstacle course) is also very painful. Poor love of mine. He has bruises & cut up his nose almighty so. I hope it wont scar on his gorgeous freckle spots! He is pretty impressed today at his brave attitude & has been asking for photos of himself over & over haha. I got a call yesterday from his school (always ALWAYS makes me feel overwhelming anxiety instantly) They said he had fallen & would I like to come & see him. I got up there in a flash & he was so brave trying not to cry but failing, I was holding my own tears in until I got outside. I gave him cuddles & explained Darcey done the same at his age & his cuts were way more army like, although she almost lost a tooth with her one!! His tooth actually has got a little wobbly of late so I should check that! Anyway he was wanting to stay for lunch as it was chocolate crumble day. Best ever right! When i picked him up it was more bruised but he was so energised & happy his playdate was still on. But after dinner he was showing signs the cuts were very sore & he was describing a headache. He got very upset about how his week had gone & in truth has been asking me each morning to stop going to school. It all came to a head & my lil man broke down. He needed a day of comfort & activities that were governed by him. He needed a sick day because even though the headache would pass & the sores weren’t too bad in the morning, he at four is too young to suppress such big emotions. So I took the day to spoil, comfort, hug & kiss, squeeze, giggle & hold hands for hours with this baby of mine. I am so glad I took this day for him. He needed it, he needed me. Blessed it is that I can stop time for him. Its an inconvenience I know to some but he really had such a magical day. We woke cuddling, he had breadsticks with yoghurt as dip for breakfast, he chose what he wanted to wear, he chose what he wanted me in too :) we went to visit his favourite tree in Beach House Gardens & he leaped from step to step in the brick work, i gave him confidence & independence in letting him run on ahead further than usual, he had McDonalds for lunch & sweets for the beach, we hunted for crabs under the pier & slowly walked the rock pools, he ran in the sea, as usual fully clothes, he chose a bottle of water as opposed to ice cream!! And we went to the park "For 15 hours please mummy!" Actually stayed for nearly three. He made two new friends & eventually got that ice cream. And to top it off he ate turkey dinosaurs for dinner whilst watching tom & Jerry back to back. It was his very own 'YES' day & he so deserved it. 
My lil love, my absolute heartbeat. I just cherish you sweetheart. The way you are so confident that you are so loved, you are so happy. "Mama Im still handsome even with my cuts!" What a boy. I just friggin adore you Jasper Casey. You make me so happy. That is it really at the end of the day. Me, Daddy, Sissy, all your family,  the world. You shine in our lives. You make us so happy. 143 sweet angel.  My greatest adventure, Jaspey Boo. xx 

oh & also he wore his belt as an accesssory around his waist like super heroes, wouldnt actually wear it to stop his lil jeans hanging low haha! And he keeps calling me lovely because Im always warm when he comes to snuggle in the morning, I think he thinks Im warm just for him haha! 

Saturday, 30 May 2015

this day i love*

It is Jaspeys last half term before the end of school year just now & although we have had a few easy chilled days we also had the greatest adventure, one of the best to date. We were due to be heading to London for the Alice in Wonderland exhibition at the M.o.C & to visit the H.M.S Belfast museum with my auntie Juli but a rail strike made us alter plans. She instead suggested her favourite holiday spots to picnic & tour for the day in the New Forest with my nan joining us too. And it was INCREDIBLE!! One of the spots in Brockenhurst was where we had been last summer for a short break with my mum & dad & the wild ponies roam whilst you picnic. We played bat & ball, chase & ate heaps before heading for the three bridges walk that Juli knows well. It was just insane amazing. Tall trees shading the most beautiful river with Shetland ponies in the distance. The kids climbed a huge fallen tree & hurried over the bridge with my aunt playing the troll from Billy Goats gruff. We had her pooch Merlin with us & he was in the water straight away & no surprise my spirited cherubs followed him in. Waist deep in an instant running wild & free in this amazing space that was so energised & beautiful. I am such a tree hugger, I love nature & am so energised by the outdoors & random wild adventures. This was me in my element too. We found awesome dens built & the cherubs ran through crunchy leaves until we came to the next bridge which was wonderfully framed by sunshine beaming through the opening to more vast fields. There was families laughing & resting. But not overly crowded. It was just the most picturesc idealic location. And to top off the happiness we all felt, the stream was lined with fantastic huge strong trees that had rope swings hanging off them. Four in total but the biggest one was the best. It swung out over the water & was so expertly tied. It swung out so fluidly & both bubbas were not even close to being afraid to get on straight away. They trusted each other immeasurably, helping the other push off & swing high. Then me & Juju had a go. Best moment ever...haha. Reliving childhood memories is my soul food. Being silly, care free & fun, happy & spontaneous. It just felt so good. We collected sticks for a pooh stick race on the bridge, Jasper chucking a great log as his losing branch haha. Horses being ridden crossed the bridge whilst my babies in the water looked on adoringly. This place has my heart now. Its one of OUR spots. My children for sure will remember this trip. It was too immense not to. After our walk we got in the car & had a lil detour to see my nan & Juli's holiday cottage which was set in such beautiful grounds & had the most unusual gate house that was also used as accommodation which I really loved. Just so so pretty* Then we drove to Lefe Beach. It was just stunning. Warm weather & shoes straight off (mine getting left on the sand, I was just so enjoying walking the ground bare & free I forgot to collect them off the beach when we left.) It was directly opposite the Isle of Wight & was just again so scenic & a beautiful location. There was a park & green with view points across where you could see the Spinaker tower in Portsmouth & the edging of Bournemouth beach the other way. The park apparatus was actually really different & fun & Im still aching after trying to be 'cool mama' & hanging upside down on the bars & doing the tightrope! The journey home was cosey & cuddly with my two holding my hand & talking of their favourite part of the day. It was just such a positive, happy day & Im so very grateful for time with my awesome auntie & nanny. The cherubs just adore their great nanny & of course they adore great auntie Juju. She is silly, playful & so so funny & we all just love her entirely for her bonkers ways!!! We are so spoilt with love & adventure from our crazy duo. Perfect perfect day & perfect start of the summer warm weather. More of that now please :):) my toes really loved it haha!! 143

oh & forgot to mention. I fell in love with like ten homes & so many of them were adorned with Wisteria. I have never seen so much of my most favourite flower. I just adore the beauty of all the cottages & the showcase garden & florals*

Thursday, 28 May 2015

macaroni love heart

Update: Sweet cherub Liana Amber is here. The dinkiest most beautiful lil angel arrived safely after a natural birth with little intervention yesterday morning & she weighs 4pd 8oz which is really great for her early arrival. She is super strong & just so wonderfully identical to her beaut mama its gorgeous. We are unable to visit her as unfortunately she has been transferred to the Trevor Mann Neo natal unit in Brighton Hospital as she has a blockage between her stomach & her intestines which will need surgery to take care of. We are all keeping her in the light & sending so much love & am sure she will be rosey by weeks end. Drs are not worried for her & her lungs are strong, she has a feisty spirit already & has already had cuddles, wash & nappy change from mummy so she is doing good despite this. I am so in love with her amazing little face & features. She is so tiny with little folds of skin wrinkled into more wrinkles. She has the same bronzed skin tone as her mama & these luscious big lips, the top one bigger than the bottom. Just the prettiest little thing. Im so excited to meet her & adore her. Telling Jasper & Darcey was incredible, they were so in awe. My sister spoke to Jasper & he just kept saying her name. He is also truly excited that his school friend Lucas is now officially his cousin to him. Because they share the same uncle, auntie & cousin they are now best friends and family (I guess it means they are 2nd cousins) either way he is just so embracing his family & his acceptance & love for them is immense. Being so spoilt for so long hasnt affected him, he is just so excited for relationships with these sweet babies. His cousin Reggie is gonna be his besty & they are so going to protect together their little sweet princess Liana. Ducky really has never been girly with dollys & dress up so Im sure they will all giggle at Liana in her tutus & pink adorable dresses. The way Jasper says her name is just so cute too, he says it like he is so much older & speaking wise words. Its just adorable. Liana has been so longed for after my sister Jo & her husband Dave had to seek help for infertility. Its been such a struggle for them for many years to see their friends becoming families, for becoming an auntie & uncle before they were parents themselves. Its been harder than any of us will ever know & even though my darling sister is superwoman at times, resilient, strong, proud & determined, the pain also was always there. I also just need to give a shout out to to her super strength during labour. She went almost the entire time with no pain relief & only at the end stages had gas & air. My sister is a tiny 4ft 11" & visually not a hulk with iron strength so huge kudos to you amazing sissy. Again being told Liana was breach she was facing the prospect of a caesarean but powered through for the birth story she desired. She made it happen, she was a warrior & Im just so so proud of her. Im itching for an update to see how Liana is doing. I will leave you with this amazingly adorable picture of her. My sweet miracle niece, 
Liana Amber. I LOVE YOU***

BEGIN HERE: As I write this my sister is in labour. It is too soon at only 34 weeks pregnant but she is doing well. Macaroni my sweet angel darling niece is doing well and that's all that is needed for now. The rest will fall in to place. I'm excited to meet this little angel & praise my older sissy for all she did right even when this pregnancy & journey threw so much at her & her husband. After many long years & two icsi trials macaroni finally chose her mama. My sister has longed for a baby since we were little, being our second mama even though there is only 14 months between us. She is the absolute stereotype of perfect sweetheart mummy. Her nature is to be motherly and warm to all & I know seeing her with a child is going to absolutely burst my heart open. My brother in law has always been such a fun, energetic clown to my cherubs. Always ready to play wrestling & chase & always the instigator of mischief haha, so lil princess is going to be so entertained & happy. The joy she has brought already is astounding so I cannot begin to explain how excited i am to be auntie to this little one. "And though she be but little, she is fierce. " this could not ring more true. We always knew really this sweet one was going to shine early. She didn't have a lot of room in her mama's belly from the get go & I know she's as desperate to meet her mama & daddy as they are her. The emotions I'm struggling to contain are 3am thinking about this union are overwhelming.  I will wake up in a few hours to the news of her arrival.  She will be oh so real to the world.  She will have a name & I can count her toes & see if I was right about her hair colour. I'm so incredibly emotional. I know she is going to be such a cherished beautiful spoilt angel born to such a wonderful couple who will now be a family. It's just so so incredible.  My mum & dad will be grampy & nanna to four. Jasper & Darcey will again have a newborn to coo over & boy do they do that good. They are so so sweet & gentle with sweet Reggie pie* it's just so exciting to see our family grow. And to think that just last week she was kicking my hand from the womb. Strong kicks & high fives which were more an insistence of being left to sleep than a welcome greeting of love hehe. 

Macaroni, sweet baby girl, you are so loved. There are just no words that do this justice. You are so cherished already & I cannot wait to give my all to you. I'm the auntie that's not as cool, but will always have ice lollys in the freezer & caring wise words. I'm not as funny but I'm goof ball all the same so you can just laugh at me not with me. I can imagine your face down to the tiny wrinkles & milk spots. Im lying awake thinking of your beauty & love that even you don't know you possess yet. You have already given us so much I cannot wait to love you so right. All my light & heart is with you and mummy right now angel. I love you Macaroni. So very very much. 143. 

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Pickle schnickle pudding pie*

My stud Jaspey boo is nearing five years. This is just insane. How the hell did we get here so quickly? Being in the school routine now has accelerated the speed in which whole months pass by so freely. I just cant believe we have had fifty seven passed on the calenders hung. I remember everything, little details & all the consuming emotions from newborn to now. Photos prompt these memories, lil ways he says stuff in his old toddler like voice, memories drift in from old songs playing that we have danced to. I could while away an evening looking through my old picture albums on the laptop. Triggering palpitations with every scene displayed in the photographs. He is so vibrant & energised in every shot, even the silly blurred ones have such soul beaming from them. I am a picture hoarder, I snap away most days at any sight that inspires me. This week it was his ever multiplying freckles & moles sprinkling his nose & chubby cheeks. He has such an infectious way, his character is sunshine & light in every mood. His happiness is just incredible & he is so amazingly caring & open with his love. He confidently tells me over & over how much he loves me, how handsome I am & asks me how my day was after I ask after his. He has recently learnt what 'ditto' means so is often asking me to tell him that thing...that thing being "I love you" just so he can shout ditto!! He kisses my hand holding his on the way to & from school, he positively glows when he is greeted by me from his nights sleep & at the door at home time from school. Those dimples deepen further for daddy & Ducky when they come home. 
He is massively 'addicted' to his & Duckys newest Lego Superheroes game on the Xbox. He cant do alot from what I gather but he loves getting enough coins to win new heroes. Playing alongside Daddy & sissy for a short while is such an excitement of his. I see his overwhelming enthusiasm for this game & at first felt a threat but he is still so attached to his toys, his teddys & messy play, he isnt on it for hours a day so I will forgive this obsession for it makes him so darn happy. He still loves cars & bikes & has quite the collection of ride on vehicles now thanks to his Uncle Mike & Grampy. He is so in love with all the super heroes of Marvel, learning new characters & his favourite at the moment is Juggernaut. He also is interested in Heman & Shera. He loves to scoot to school & take his remote control car the the beach. He loves playtime. Still loves messy play* His o.o.t.d is always his skeleton tracksuit that is just perfection on this kid. And this weeks newest addition, his poundland fakey crocs, with socks. Worn as soon as he gets in from school as they assist his play & make him stronger apparently! This past Saturday morning (which is what prompted this update strangely), Jasper was snoozing in bed with me, reading his book & tiggling me to get up. He has the softest warm skin in the mornings & sleeps pyjama-less so hugs & tushy bites detour my get up & go. But anyhow, he jumps up, fist pumps the air & then in a superman flying pose heads for the bathroom declaring "Mama, im going for a poo!" With just such gusto energy & oomph. Even just going to the bathroom is a moment for this bubb, a good moment, a fun silly laughable while in his little life. I just bloody love that energy, that positivity. This hilarious remarkable dude who I am so blessed to be Mama to. Who has no idea how relevant he is to my heart ticking over. Or maybe he does but hes so casual about it if so :) 
My words are just not supporting what I am trying to explain, Im not a poet & my hearts emotions just aren’t definable in my poor grammar. I however saw this quote by Nicole Johnson that moved me so, conveys a little as to how hugely blessed I feel to of been given ownership on parenting this sweet adventureheart. It's not always clear we take the right paths, sometimes it feels like we have invested so much & lost ourselves. But so long as I am loving this one so right, he could be my cathedral. My studley boy, Jasper Casey. 143*

hiM & heR

Hes obsessed with lego, marvel lego, chima, ninjago. Well any kind really* (and his computer game!) He sings in tune & has the sweetest little voice. Hes gotten really goofy. You know like when little boys just act silly & raar & jump alot! The cutest geeky moments** His best friendship group is changing but hes not fazed & has new ones in mind. He has a list of potential best mates haha!! He loves his after school club Beefit, the parachute & trampoline are his favourites. He can sign quite a lot of words & enjoys learning more, well done Daddy :) He pulls those silly faces using hands & giggles ferociously when caught. His reading is out of this world incredible #proudmama. He brings home folded up papers with the sweetest notes & pictures scribbled. He is writing sentences in his own way & spelling most how it is said. Most recent one was his 'Krismas' list for later this year!! (haha) He is very active & literally has abs! He loves doing handstands & rolley pollies. He likes cutting paper up & drawing Darcey pictures. Is wanting to help a lot in the kitchen with cooking or serving dinner & is madly in love with chilli wraps & tomatoes just now.
Slightly obsessed again with water beads, slushies & stencilling his hand*

She is wholey becoming a sport fanatic. She loves collecting her match attax cards, seeing if she got a Manchester United shiney. Desperately wants her own football kit & shoes & is doing incredible in her boxing lessons. She is as fast as a cheetah running & loves seeing Nannas horses for a short ride bare back* She loves being in huge open space so on the downs, at a National trust park or at the beach is her most happiest* She is so attached to her teddies & has her favourites that are her cuddle buddies at night. She still likes to have help washing, brushing her teeth & getting dressed. Its not lazy, she just likes to feel looked after. Shes still struggling with her own likes toy wise so is mainly into whatever Jasper is although it differs in  her favourite Lego character, it still seems to be Ironman or Venom. She likes to see photos I have taken of her now but it still painfully shy of having her photo taken. But if I flipagram her a set she is beaming* She loves bowling & is dam good at it! And playing keep me up with balloons. She was so excited to have matching shoes with Jasper & is really into learning about space & the milky way. Asks often to go to London again. Is struggling to show softer emotions recently & is having a tough time but still glimmers with her silly humour* Loves to take the mickey out of accents & hand gestures we all do*

143 cutie tuttis

Nanny Faraway*

Its late at night now, the day has passed by easy but once i was alone & midnight approached my resolve dropped & the pain of another year gone without my dear nanny has me so sad & the ache thats buried so tightly becomes over bearing & a real acute pain in my whole body. I will never be rid of this feeling when Im most vulnerable & the image of her blonde hair, soft bronzed skin in my most favourite dress she wore pops in my brain. My mind is numb but so wired with memories. My mamas poem 'The Lighthouse' echoes & my heart is thumping with remembering the day you had to leave. The tears are the messy kind* It doesnt get easier. I wish I could say Ive grown stronger to the hurt & absolute devastating heartache I feel when I truly let myself remember you. I tell Jasper about all you did as my Nanny, his beautiful great nanny. We walk past your home, living two minutes away & having Jaspers school friends living scattered around it is a curse & a blessing. Its a comfort to live so close to somewhere so special but nearing the 'Lighthouse' I get such anxious pangs of upset I have to swiftly push down. That home, it holds the greatest most incredible stories, playtime, love & feeling of family. Jasper goes to the same school you sent his Nanna. That too is so lovely, knowing you walked the same school route as I do. I walk those paths with my foot steps in yours & that to me is magic. I really should talk of you more, without tears, without the ginormous lump in my throat. I hope you are as proud of me as you were when I performed ballet recitals, had a successful school photo day, when I overcame some tricky teenage years & when I graduated college. I will always remember you shouting out, still so elegant but almighty proud when my name was called to collect my scroll. You were just beaming & that feeling is bottled within my soul. But thats honestly how I felt every time I saw my incredible Nanny Light. Joan Gladys Light. The most beautiful, adoring, lovable, sweet nan ever known. Truly so beautiful inside & out. An angel who blessed us with many years of immense happiness & love. Every occasion, holiday & visit heaped with perfection. The buffets made at last minute, the phone calls from the box outside on Sugden Road, that dress, playing North, South, East, West in your kitchen, the wooden swing chair, the blossoming flowers, the Laura Ashley stairway carpet, greensleaves playing in the trinket on your vanity, the shopping trips with Grampy in the car; rewarded with a McDonalds & strawberry milkshake & that dance, the last dance etched in my memory that is more powerful than any love song beating to my hearts rhythm. You are my most favourite memory. The most beautiful radiant sunshine in my life that left such a huge presence, such a legacy of family & love. My aspirations as a woman, mother, auntie & eventually Nanna are modelled on you* I miss you always & I know you know. I wish you could embarrass me once more, yodelling to get a cashiers attention, telling me no when I wanted a black velvet crop top & holding my hand through town when I was too young to realise Id never want to let go. My heart is yours. Forever & a day* Love & light. 143*

Saturday, 18 April 2015

oh heart*

We have had so much turmoil going on these past months that have all made me feel vulnerable, weak & guarded but as a family we have remained strong, moving forward with hands clasped firmly together, hearts open to the sunshine positives that have also scattered like my sweet darling niece growing so well, Jaspey being so happy & confident & finally getting back in our home. But along the way, or really it was underlying all along, we have lost our shy girl to some very upsetting emotions & frustrations. She is pausing in time with hour long mood swings & jealousy tumbling out of her mouth at every instance. She has noticeably distanced herself from Jasper & I, cuddles are cold & I love you is strained. Its been so on & off but at the last stages of her time home with us in Easter half she became very cruel to her brother. She ruined her own fun by so suddenly switching moods & even her daddys love & kind words to coax her out failed. She is troubled & she is struggling which in turn makes us struggle as our hearts lay heavy. When she left it hurt worse. I wanted more time to support her lil lost heart & I wanted to try different paths to stop her upsets. Every single thing big or small triggered it. Jasper having more raspberries & tomatoes than her even though she had less as she really doesn’t love them but knows they are good for her, his school bag for P.E being a superheroes design when she isn’t allowed patterns at her school, him having less words to read in his library loans. With each quarrel she started she broke my lil studs heart, every single damn time he'd say "Ducky why are you being mean!" I ended up separating her from his play area & this had her in tears but not at her consequence for her mean behaviour, but again as she felt injustice & felt Jasper was favoured. Its just so bizarre, if anything when she is with us she is so spoilt with affection as we all want a little piece of our snuggle monkey. Its definitely hard for her to see new toys in the draws, a new key ring won at the arcade on Jaspey & I's solo date, even just different foods in the cupboards as selection for snack time that shes not got at home. All this is seen as Jasper having what she doesn’t. Even when she has noted that it made her feel sad & we have followed the next visit with said items for her she feels unfulfilled. She lacks oomph & energy in her character & is so unconfident, i dont mean that in a nasty way, but its so very sad as Jasper is coming into an age where he is so silly, bubbly & goofy. She has her moments but if you acknowledge with a smile that shes being funny she just clams right up. If you give compliments she gets greedy & seeks more in manipulative ways so will help with some chores then instantly say Im good for helping, Jasper is naughty because he didnt. Always a divide. Jasper just adores her & keeps his love coming ten fold, but this weekend when she left he didnt pine for her for the first time ever, he just kept saying "When i spoke Darcey never replied Mummy!" He was so honest in his sadness & that mama bear protective roaring instinct kicked in & just hurt so much for my boy but also for this sweet sweet cherub being so scarred by her exhausting, turbulent life. We have no clues other than the snippets she gives us about her home life but she has opened up about her school. She said she has 'overwhelming' times in class so she has to leave & see her other friendly teacher who makes her feel better, she has a book within school to write her feelings & is struggling with a few seven year old problems so also has a playground mentor. With this knowledge & the sudden decline in amazing days that are half term had started with, Gary decided to speak with her mum. Someone he tries extremely hard to be patient & amicable with, but she smirked & just kept stating that she doesn’t misbehave at home so the problem is with us. Gary tried to ask for support, if she could speak with their daughter & understand her feelings & why she feels so sad but she disregarded it as our problem, so we are to find the solution. The frustration is pretty heavy as we had hoped even if she did feel smug & in control that she would at least like to help Darcey become more confident & able to articulate these strong emotions she is going through, but she flat out declined to help & positively gleed on hearing we had struggled that week. I dont know why we expected any different but as my upsets on the situation are first & foremost for both my children being sad & confused by these huge feelings, I thought she would feel pangs of hurt for her daughters upsets. Over the week Ducky had hinted at feeling very guilty for loving me & Jasper & told Jasper he wasnt her real brother, her real brother was at her mummys. After explaining she was a tad embarrassed but still went on to say her family is daddy. She was so overpowered by competitive nastiness & jealousy when Gary was simply helping Jasper do his teeth or holding his hand. Rather than speaking about it she just acted out & caused a lot of upset for my full hearted studley. Even so he was still so eager to see her last night when she was due to ours for our weekend stay. But to add to the anxious enormity of the situation, her mother refused us our access stating wrongly it was her weekend with Darcey. Gary tried to communicate with messages & screenshot photos with dates on to prove we weren’t confused but to no avail. It isnt just frustrating, it is desperately painful when our son is left upset by her absence & our family is yet again rocked with upset by the same controlling woman who will for the next years be such a pain just to ease her selfish insecurities. It is making our sweet girly so turbulent in her status as a daughter, sister & family member to many, she is confused by her emotions good & bad. If she loves me, she is upsetting her mother, if she hates me it upsets her also, so she is constantly battling herself. This wont change until her mum shows acceptance of me. So in other words it wont change. The move forward now is yet again strained & a battle. Why cant it just for Darceys sake be easy. Not for mine or Garys. But for her & for my sweet darling boy who misses his sissy every single minute & who deserves a relationship with her better than this. Better than the confusing, anxious driven one. For these littles i wish only for peace in their hearts always when they think of family. I will not have this evil presence knock my sons life like it is knocking her daughters. Im guarding his lil heart from Darceys distruptions & will strive always to be 'mother' & all things related to that, all raw emotions related to that, for both my children. My beautys Ducky & Stud. I love u darling cherubs like you wouldnt believe. I will fight for you, i will stand strong, we will stand strong. We are a four whether apart or not. Keep those kisses tucked in your palm Ducky, we have yours saved in ours too. And always remember, the blossom, it always blooms just for you sweet girl...143

Friday, 30 January 2015

Home stretch*

This fire has aggravated such strong sad emotions for me. Ive lost myself for a bit here. The Sadness is overwhelming.  Fear & feeling vulnerable with questions interrupting happiness. Just overwhelming negatives have drained us. We are strong but weak. Living but not. We are struggling to come to terms with this. I know it seems so dramatic and writing this myself I am a tad struck with how deep I feel. I haven't written.  I haven't vented with any articulate reasoning. I don't know how to express how anxious I have felt. People say "Thank god you are alive and well." Of course I cling to this.  But I'm fragile and angry to be truthful. It was an accident.  A negligent accident that so nearly cost us. The frustration that the person who caused this has been so astonishingly un-remorseful is huge. Gary has been incredible.  He has still worked full time but he has kept us above water, he has kept spirits high, he has taken on new roles and provided so much & I see him to be a hero quite frankly.  He is working so hard on redecorating our home. All the items we did keep he has cleaned & he has worked tirelessly to get us a fair settlement to ease the financial worry of these few months and the burden of living away from our home and now having to start again. I'm so very lucky that family and friends have gifted us with new items for our home. We have been left with such a rushed ending to very confusing two months of living in hotels. They gave us a time frame that was impossible. Two days to clean and refurbish our home. It took one of these to handle the kitchen that was most damaged. The emotional cracks displayed as we entered our home again after so long.  Chucking out items that had been stained due to such a large time frame of being left soot covered.  I'm angry.  That makes me frustrated. The injustice boiling away in my core.  Gary being the therapy I need. He has been my absolute heartbeat. I'm not afraid to say I am weak. I'm far too sensitive and this has made me an intense worrier. He has such patience with me. Such a beautiful soul this king♡ We are on the home stretch but still holding such complicated stresses. I cannot wait to be back in but will it ever feel like my comfortable home again.  Living above the person that created this craziness is going to be testing!  Especially after the call she left me with before Christmas. We will see i guess. This is just an update and I'm going to absolutely get back full force into blogging of happiness and light that fills our family now. We are the strongest little unit, more so maybe because of this. That I will take from this awful nightmare. That and how generously loving even just with words people have been. I thank you, I know you'll be reading this so you know it's for u darlings.  Love and light ♡♡