Friday, 13 September 2013

summer fun

So the summer holidays happened. I havent been on here much to blog as have had such adventures & a busy 6 weeks with my little darlings. We were lucky to spend alot of time with Darcey here over the summer too & so I was pretty exhausted most evenings to post about our fun. It was so lovely spending everyday with my little Jasper as his pre school shuts for half term too. I recently read a post by a lovely mama I follow                                     ( ) that had me giggling but wow its so true, Jasper went back to pre school for a whole day & even though I worked the morning I had a couple of hrs to kill & man I missed him. I had a niggle in my belly all day wondering how Ducky was getting on at her first day back in yr1 too! Big girly so grown up. Just so strange knowing that routine had come back & a routine i guess that is quite hard to bare. Going back to scheduled time with Darcey is definatly the hardest but also now Jasper is 3 he has 15 hours free school hours. So he is at pre school a little longer Tuesday mornings & going for 2.5hrs on a Monday too plus his full day wednesday. This has not started yet as he has been poorly all this week so off everyday but I know it is a hurdle that is getting me ready for him going to school next year!! (too soon too soon). I also get pretty overwhelmed & anxious when I remember in just one month I will be picking out the school that will be his first venture into big boy things. Learning, schedule, friends galore, afterschool clubs...all very exciting but so so scary too. Im not ready for him to be away five days a week for six whole hours a day. Its too sad...

Anyhow Summer 13' :) We have had such wonderful weather & a lot of sunny beach days. Nice outdoors activities & lots on around Worthing & Sussex to enjoy. The pictures in my album I posted previously basically detail the whole summer. Just such great times with my bubbis. Meeting with friends in parks, Jasper playing & sharing his toys with his friends, swimming in the sea, walking on the pier (which is a HUGE deal for me as was so phobic of piers & bridges, well kind of still am), swimming in the great new pool at Splashpoint, new parks, picnics, Brighton pier, Brighton big wheel, double decker bus rides, Daddy getting time off :):) finding new parks, visiting museums, adventures in London, Jaspers doodle feet tan lines ;) Darceys hair gettin blonder. Just magical awesome times...

summertime living is easy**

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