Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Living Arrows 8/52

"They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself."

There is no way to express truly the overwhelming love I hold for my sweet darlings. No words that come close, no emotion strong enough. I had a conversation with the dearest old lady yesterday that so inspired me. I had told her about our weekend adventures & how wonderfully strong, happy & content Jasper is. She said his character was his souls story. That his happiness would be in part bestowed on him by his parents but he would of been blessed long before with lifes desire to seek, learn & be true. She was so lovely & I felt so amazed by her confidence in her words & in truth she doesnt know me at all, she doesnt know my son, but she took my words & believed I was not just a biased mama but a blessed one. Im rambling & probably making no sense but oh well* 

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