Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Mothers Day

So I had to work the morning shift, boo was with her mama & Gary was in a&e with a suspected broken shoulder. Bad start* Thankfully Garys shoulder was a bad strain but not broken. So we went over to my mama's in the afternoon. Mothers day feels so much bigger to me towards my mummy now. I appreciate her so much more, her strength, her beauty & her gorgeous heart. She is so incredible to me that she supported & loved us all so uniquely & has always supported all of our goals. I hate that this is a day for her to be reminded that her mum is not here with us though & that breaks my heart. She is such a tough cookie, the hardest working soldier & the most amazing woman for dealing with us as children, the little army of five hehe. We had a great afternoon watching our darling boo on his quad bike riding like a pro, standing for the bumps & steering so confidently. He's gonna be Uncley Mike no 2!! MotoX pro. He then rode bareback around the lil area outside my mums field on Bonnie & Chloe. He is just fearless. After footie fun it was off for a sleepover with Auntie Jojo as me & Gary were going for a meal but his pain was too bad so we went home for food & movie. Perfect end to a not so perfect day** 

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